External Quality Assessment of internal audit provision
With 40 years experience of internal audit provision in a global context, we offer the UK's leading independent assessment of internal audit delivery in accordance with the requirement of professional standards for an external five-year review of services. Business Risk Solutions can provide external quality assessment of internal audit provision in accordance with the current Institute of Internal Auditors IPPF Standard 1312 or advise on preparing for the new Global Internal Audit Standards due for implementation by April 2025, or these as interpreted within the UK as the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (PSIAS).
Having now reviewed internal audit provision at more than 100 organisations in the private, public and charity sectors meaning that our review will not only provide a compliance based assessment but also benchmark services against best practice and provide value added advice regarding ideas that will help to develop your team to meet business needs.
The introduction of the new Global Internal Audit Standards from April 2025 represents a major development as the profession fully aligns itself to the effectiveness of risk management. Our experience can provide advice regarding embedding effective risk management within your organisation as well as guidance regarding how to ensure that internal audit is fully prepared to comply with the new standards, either through an EQA or the provision of training support.
Bespoke training can be provided on-site or as a virtual programme to supplement outcomes relating to risk-based auditing, report writing or communication and interviewing techniques, along with a host of other professional, technical and operational auditing course areas'.
Please contact us for an informal discussion regarding the options for conducting an assessment as a full review, validation of an internal self-assessment or a pre-EQA review of current practice or a readiness review which would be more applicable given the proximity of the new standards.