RiskMate offers a simple dashboard driven cloud-based approach using three lines of defence theory that allows you to collect all organisational risks and automate the process of delegating responsibility for risk management to the most appropriate level of management.
The system provides a sophisticated approach to defining risk appetite which allows the Board to specify those risks which it considers provide a potentially catastrophic consequences if they were to occur, contrasted to those of a less serious nature across all risk categories across which the organisation operates.
With the menial tasks turned over to our software, you can rely on a flexible monitoring tool that allows the job done to be faster, more efficiently, and with more accurate real time information on hand.
Based in a secure cloud environment on a Microsoft Azure platform it provides to-hand digital reporting at any time, to any meeting from anywhere in the world, negating the need for reliance on burdensome spreadsheet applications and hardcopy reporting.
RiskMate now provides an effective solution to both UK and Internationally based organisations across the private, public and voluntary sectors.​​
Risk management software is now an essential feature of effective governance; RiskMate offers a cost-effective option for Charities, Academy Trusts and other 'Not for Profit' organisations looking for a practical solution to embedding effective risk management within everyday governance processes.
It offers a cost-effective solution to meet every organisation's needs and at an annual fee to suit individual client resources.
A free 30-day trial of the software is available at www.riskmate.uk or take advantage of a virtual demonstration of the software's functionality and use by contacting us at the email address below.​​​​​​