Risk facilitation, review and training services to reflect your organisations needs
Does risk management add value within your organisation or is it just one of those things you do to satisfy stakeholder reporting?
Risk facilitation will help your Board and/or Executive team recognise how through focusing on what poses the most significant threats can aid great governance as well as demonstrate control over the inherent risks faced through establishment of your business objectives.
The COVID pandemic will have tested the business continuity planning processes of every business re-inforcing the need for robust risk management strategies for the future.
Facilitation can be devised to be a thought piece within a meeting or as an training package to meet the needs of the wider organisation.
Ensuring that your risk management framework provides a transparent view of the significant risks being faced by the organisation is fundamental.
Keeping it simple and focusing on what matters most is also essential if a corporate understanding of the Board's risk appetite is to be deployed throughout the organisation.
A review of your process can focus at both strategic and operational levels or consider whether particular departments have adopted corporate values.
We can also advise on adopting best practice risk-based internal audit methods including use of RiskMate to construct a risk-based internal audit plan linked to delivery.
We offer a wide range of training programmes to suit the needs of organisations at both leadership and operational levels and are appropriate for:
- Board
- Audit and Risk Committees
- Senior Leadership, and
- Internal Audit
Courses can be designing to match your organisations requirements in relation to good governance, effective risk management or delivery of effective risk-based internal auditing.
Established course content can be found here